Oct 30, 2008

Obam's Economists

A List of some of his Economic policy advisors:

- Jason Furman
- Austan Goolsbee, University of Chicago tax policy expert
- Karen Kornbluh
- David Cutler, Harvard health policy expert
- Jeff Liebman, Harvard welfare expert
- Michael Froman, Citigroup executive
- Daniel Tarullo, Georgetown law professor
- David Romer, Berkeley macroeconomist
- Christina Romer, Berkeley economic historian
- Richard Thaler, University of Chicago behavioral finance expert
- Robert Rubin, former Treasury Secretary
- Larry Summers, former Treasury Secretary
- Alan Blinder, former Vice-chairman of the Federal Reserve
- Jared Bernstein, Economic Policy Institute labor economist
- James Galbraith, University of Texas macroeconomist
- Paul Volcker, Chairman of the Federal Reserve 1979-1987
- Laura Tyson, Berkeley international economist, Bill Clinton economic adviser
- Robert Reich, Berkeley public policy professor, former Secretary of Labor
- Peter Henry, Stanford international economist
- Gene Sperling, former White House economic adviser
- Heidi Hartmann, President, Institute for Women's Policy Research

Other prominent economists who support Obama:

- Brad Delong, Berkeley macroeconomist
- Joseph Stiglitz, 2001 Nobel laureate
- Edmund Phelps, 2006 Nobel laureate
- Ray Fair, Yale macroeconomist
- Dan McFadden, 2000 Nobel laureate
- Robert Solow, 1987 Nobel laureate

Prominent finance people who support Obama (not actual economists):

- William Donaldson, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chair 2003-2005
- Arthur Levitt, SEC Chair 1993-2001
- David Ruder, SEC Chair 1987-1989
- Warren Buffet, investor, richest person in world.

One of the things that have caused my support for Barack Obama is his thoughtfulness. His candidacy represents a marked departure from "Bush-like" political action mired in stubbornness and an inability to admit failed policy. With this supporting cast and Obama's ability to process and think through decisions, I find comfort. =)
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