Nov 12, 2006

Embryonic Stem Cell Research

Why is this such a big issue? What do we know?

This issue is not as complicated as it may seem. In my researching the ins-&-outs of this whole debate, I've actually been struck by the simplicity of the arguments.

First, stem cell research (both adult stem cell & embryo stem cell) has yielded results to problems that excite the medical community. The difference between the capabilities of the two is easy to stem cells can lead to progress, but are somewhat limited in their capacity for wide-range effectiveness, while embryonic stem cells seem to have limiteless potential in what can be achieved. Adult stem cells have been productive, however only capable of achieving success in a small amount of medical breakthroughs. This is due to the cells being more "mature" and less capable of "change". It is the embryonic stem cells that offer the most extraordinary scientific breakthroughs, as they are seemingly capable of forming into ANY cells that a body may need.

Can you (can anyone) imagine walking into a room, where several hearts are beating, having been composed and nurtured from embryonic stem cells? Are you aware of the incredible capabilities this could allow if research is given a green light and more testing and understanding is grasped?

So we know that stem cell research can be a viable option for curing disease (evidenced by success of adult stem cells). True, however, that researchers have not unlocked all the mystery of what the embryonic stem cell is capable of, or if they can control the power of these cells to yield the necessary results. Imagine if they could? What is stopping them?

What is stopping continued research in finding ways to cure
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