Oct 12, 2006

Just War

Theories of war. But how can anything, under any theory justify suffering, pain and death on those that are innocent. Men involved for no other reason than their goal of providing for those which they love. Women who's primary responsibility is to care and to love. Children who's only role is to grow old, to learn, live, love, play, with the prospect changing their world in the least. Is there anything that makes their slaughter "just". Them not us? Justice?
What is bravery?

Could bravery not be responding as snivelling backed-into-a-corner dogs? "No Choice" (apparently) we lash out.

Land of the free? Can anyone truly be free while others are in bondage? How about those that hold others in submission, are they brave?
All that I see in this Land is hypocrisy, shrouded in the fog of war, competing self-interested ideologies, using fear "rolling thunder" justice to achieve false security. Under veils of religious endowment, nothing just can come.

Just is only something attributed to righteous, humanitarian behavior that is operated with integrity and the highest moral and ethical action. Outside of this, NOTHING is just. No word. No action. No means & no ends is just, if victory comes at the expense, fatal or not, of an innocent, or of a rival (enemy).

For that matter,
if both sides suffer loss, does anyone truly win? How can one country "win" a war? What morally corrupt and substanceless framework could address such loss and atrocity and pain as VICTORY?
Our frame of mind must be abolished....maybe with the use of force?

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